Page 303 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 303

Another follower of Rowbotham was William Carpenter. He published a book titled A Hundred
               Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe in 1885. Interestingly, one of the popular proponents of the flat-
               Earth worldview today is Eric Dubay. He has a book available titled 200 Proofs the Earth is Not a
               Spinning Ball. You can download a PDF copy of the document freely at the following link:


               I considered addressing the myriad arguments set forth by those who are espousing a flat and
               stationary Earth, and a geocentric model of the Solar System. Although I have not yet found any of
               their arguments which are not flawed and readily refuted, they are nevertheless endless. Were I to
               attempt to refute the hundred proofs of William Carpenter, or the 200 proofs of Eric Dubay, I would
               have to write another entire book to give even a brief answer to each of them. I am persuaded that
               to do so would not be the most profitable use of my time. I will however, supply some links to videos
               and resources that do a good job of establishing the veracity of the spherical rotating Earth, and
               refuting some of the key points raised by flat-Earthers. Before I do, I will mention a number of points
               which I believe argue very well for a spherical, rotating Earth and a heliocentric Solar System.

               First, it has been demonstrated by thousands of amateur and professional astronomers, that the other
               visible planets and moons in our Solar System are spherical and do rotate. There is no shortage of
               videos and images available online to demonstrate this fact. One need not look to NASA or other
               government entities as sources of this information. If a person cares to prove this matter themselves,
               they can easily view the Moon through a decent pair of binoculars and discern that it is spherical.
               With a more powerful telescope, such as a 12" Dobsonian, which can be purchased for less than a
               thousand dollars, they can view several of the planets with enough magnification and clarity to
               discern that they too are spherical and do rotate. Since every other planetary body visible to man is
               spherical in shape and rotates, it would be anomalous to suggest that the Earth is the exception, being
               flat, and motionless.

               To those who argue that the Moon does not rotate, but always presents the same face to those on the
               Earth, they are mistaken. The Moon’s rotation is closely synchronized to its orbit around the Earth
               so that in its 27.322 day orbit around the earth it rotates one time, thus keeping the same face to the
               Earth. If the Moon did not rotate we would see a complete 360 degree view of all sides of the Moon
               during each 27 day orbit around the Earth.

               Another  evidence  I  would  cite  is  that  there  are  satellites  visible  in  space  which  have  been
               photographed by amateur astronomers and can be viewed through backyard telescopes. You can see
               many of them as points of light with the unaided eye. These satellites are kept in space by their great
               orbital speed around the Earth. The centrifugal force of their orbit offsets the centripetal force of the
               Earth’s gravity. Gravity does not cease to exist at the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere. At 200 miles
               distance above the Earth, the International Space Station experiences 90% of the Earth’s gravity. It
               remains  in  orbit  due  to  its  orbital  speed  of  approximately  17,000  miles  per  hour.  Amateur
               astronomers have captured photos of the ISS passing overhead. If the Earth were not a sphere around
               which they were orbiting, these satellites could not remain suspended in space.

               I would mention also the numerous empirical proofs cited by the ancient Greek astronomers. The
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