Page 294 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 294

It should be clear that these are fanciful and imaginative questions posed to make a point. The
               Christian who makes a sincere and patient attempt  to  understand the Scriptures will  discover
               indicators that figurative language is being used, and that Yahweh does not intend His people to
               interpret certain passages or expressions literally. Even as Yahweh was using human metaphors
               relating to building construction to discuss His creation of the heavens and the Earth, now he is using
               the metaphor of conception and birth while speaking of the origin of rain, dew, ice, and frost. There
               is no dome erected over the Earth, and there is no womb from which ice emerges.

               Brothers and sisters, we subject the followers of Christ and the Bible itself to ridicule when we fail
               to rightly divide the word of God. Let us not be as children in our understanding. I find the assertion
               that the Earth is established upon literal pillars which suspend it in the heavens to be quite silly.
               Pillars and foundations are used to support manmade edifices, but they have to rest upon something
               solid, or they have no practical value. What are the foundations of the Earth and its pillars resting
               upon? Most flat-Earthers depict them as resting upon nothing. This is nonsensical.

               Here is one image of the flat Earth covered by a dome, resting upon pillars with water surrounding
               all. This image is featured on numerous flat Earth websites and in videos. The image even includes
               floodgates which are depicted as being framed into the dome over the firmament of the sky. The Son
               and Moon and stars are drawn as being under the waters. This is all great folly. Neither antediluvian
               man, nor the Hebrew authors of the Old Testament, believed this to be an accurate representation
               of the Earth. Flat-Earth proponents do err when they suggest that the Bible teaches such a concept.

               I watched a video recently titled 75 Bible Verses that Prove a Flat Earth.


               The speaker is quite childish in his reasoning. One of the Scriptures he cites to support the idea that
               the Earth is flat and rests upon pillars is Isaiah 66:1. “Thus says Yahweh, heaven is my throne, and
               the earth is my footstool.” He then shows an image of two different footstools, one rectangular and
               one round, each with four legs. He compares the images of the footstools to an image of a spherical
               Earth from space to demonstrate the difference, and then asks “What footstool spins at 1,000 miles
               an hour?”
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