Page 292 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 292

Whereas the authors of the Logos Bible Software are suggesting that men such as Moses, Job, David,
               and Solomon were ignorant and fanciful in their conceptions of the heavens and the Earth, or equally
               bad, they are suggesting that these men’s words are to be understood literally and represent the true
               state of the cosmos, the true ignorance lies with modern men who are failing to discern when poetic
               language is being used in the Bible. The ancient writers of Scripture, and their hearers, recognized
               symbolic  speech  when  it  was  employed.  Men  do  err  today  when  they  assume  that  our  early
               forefathers  were  ignorant  and  unsophisticated  in  their  thinking.  Such  a  conclusion  is  a  myth
               perpetuated by proponents of pseudo-science who depict man’s forebears as living in caves and
               being primitive in their thinking. Such a depiction does not accord with the description of man’s
               creation in Genesis, nor the accomplishments ascribed to antediluvian men whose lives extended
               nearly 1,000 years.

               Many of the passages which the flat-Earth proponents reference are from the book of Job, a book
               filled  with  poetic  language.  Job  and  his  friends  take  turns  conversing,  and  each  speech  is  a
               masterpiece of poetry. Even when Yahweh speaks at the end of the book, He employs poetic figures
               of speech. The images above presenting models of what is supposed to be the ancient Near East
               worldview contain many details taken from the book of Job. The storehouses of snow, hail, and
               water which are figured above the vault of the heavens are details taken from the book of Job. So
               too are the pillars which support the heavens and the Earth, and the foundation upon which all rests.

               Job 38:1-11
               Then Yahweh answered Job out of the whirlwind, “Who is this who darkens counsel by words
               without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man, for I will question you, then you answer me! Where
               were you when  I  laid the foundations of the earth?  Declare, if you  have understanding. Who
               determined the measures of it, if you know? Or who stretched the line on it? Whereupon were the
               foundations of it fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and
               all the sons of God shouted for joy? Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth from the
               womb, when I made clouds the garment of it, and wrapped it in thick darkness, marked out for it my
               bound, set bars and doors, and said, ‘Here you may come, but no further; Here shall your proud
               waves be stayed?’”

               Do you perceive the analogy being employed here by Yahweh? I am confident the ancients did.
               Yahweh is comparing  His  handiwork to  man’s. Man’s  greatest creations are the buildings  he
               constructs, perhaps a palace or a grand mausoleum. To construct such works in ancient times men
               would employ building techniques which are equally ancient. They would lay a foundation and
               fasten  it  in  place.  They  would  stretch  forth  the  plumb  line,  and  the  level.  They  would  lay  a
               cornerstone and erect pillars. Yahweh speaks of His own creation using this same language. By
               doing so He intentionally shows how puny man’s works are in comparison to His own. What kind
               of foundation could one lay for the Earth? How could one stretch out a plumb line to align it
               properly,  or  stretch  out  a  measure  to  mark  its  length  and  breadth  and  height?  What  sort  of
               cornerstone could one set in place to mark the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the
               Earth? What type of doors could be put in place to hold back the seas?

               Brothers and sisters, it is great folly to suggest that in the book of Job we find an actual description
               of  the  world  as  conceived by  men  of  the  ancient  Near East.  Yet  this  is  precisely  what  some
               misguided Bible teachers and adherents of the flat-Earth model are suggesting. I have watched their
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