Page 291 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 291

the barren has borne seven; She who has many children languishes. Yahweh kills,
                       and makes alive: He brings down to Sheol, and brings up. Yahweh makes poor, and
                       makes rich: He brings low, he also lifts up. He raises up the poor out of the dust, He
                       lifts up the needy from the dunghill, to make them sit with princes, inherit the throne
                       of glory: For the pillars of the earth are Yahweh's, He has set the world on them. He
                       will keep the feet of his holy ones; But the wicked shall be put to silence in darkness;
                       For by strength shall no man prevail. Those who strive with Yahweh shall be broken
                       to pieces; Against them he will thunder in the sky: Yahweh will judge the ends of the
                       earth; He will give strength to his king, exalt the horn of his anointed.

               If you look up this passage in your Bible, you will likely find that the type is offset, indicating that
               it is a poetic passage. This entire prayer by Hannah, the mother of Samuel, is understood to be poetic.
               Consequently, it is not unusual to find in it many poetic expressions such as “my horn is exalted,”
               “my mouth is enlarged,” and “neither is there any rock like our God.” Is God physically a rock? Of
               course not. We understand that this is figurative language. So too is it an employment of figurative
               language to state that “the pillars of the earth are Yahweh’s, He has set the world on them.” Pillars
               to the ancient mind represented strength. These words come right in the midst of Hannah rejoicing
               in Yahweh’s mercy and kindness as He “raises up the poor out of the dust,” and “lifts up the needy
               from the dunghill to make them sit with princes.” The comparison is made that even as Yahweh has
               established the world firmly, so too will He establish those who are weak and lowly in strength while
               casting down the wicked.

               We should not think that the description of the world resting on pillars is to be taken literally
               anymore than the statement that Yahweh will break those who strive with Him into pieces, or that
               He will thunder against them in the sky. These are poetic expressions used to speak of the awesome
               power and might of Yahweh. Sadly, even Bible publishers and the creators of Bible software,
               perpetuate the idea that the ancient Hebrews interpreted these poetic passages literally. The creators
               of the Logos Bible Software have included the following graphic in their material.
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