Page 289 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 289

earth cannot be moved,” when we compare other passages which speak specifically of the Earth and
               include this Hebrew word.

               Psalms 60:2
               You have made the earth tremble; You have broken it; Heal its breaches, for it is shaking [Hebrew:

               Isaiah 24:19-20
               The  earth  is  violently  broken,  the  earth  is  split  open,  the  earth  is  shaken  [Hebrew:  mowt]
               exceedingly.  The  earth  shall  reel  to  and  fro  like  a  drunkard,  and  shall  totter  like  a  hut;  Its
               transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again.

               In the context of these verses we can understand that the Hebrew word “mowt” which our English
               Bibles translate as “moved,” “shaken,” etc., describes something that trembles, that is violently
               broken, that is split open, that reels to and fro like a drunkard and totters like a hut. This Hebrew
               word describes something that is fallen. None of these descriptors have any bearing upon the natural
               motion of the Earth in the heavens.

               In many passages expressing the thought that the Earth “cannot be shaken,” we find the correlated
               statement that the Earth has been “established.”

               Psalms 96:10
               The world also is firmly established, it shall not be moved.

               What Yahweh is expressing is that there is a permanence to the Earth. It will exist until the time
               appointed for its dissolution. In this sense, the Earth is sure, steadfast, and “immovable.” Yahweh
               was not referring to the physical motion of the Earth in the heavens. We find a parallel when Yahweh
               declares “the righteous will not be moved.” Again, this is not a reference to physical motion, but
               rather to the confidence the righteous have because Yahweh supports, upholds, and protects them.
               Those who are using these passages as proof texts to teach upon the movements of the planets are
               failing to rightly divide the word of God.

               Let us look now at those passages cited in support of the assertion that the Bible teaches that the
               Earth is flat. This argument is not based on any direct statement in the Bible declaring the Earth to
               be flat, but rather from numerous passages which are poetic, metaphorical, or contain allusions to
               the Earth which are suggestive of a flat Earth. For example, a number of passages refer to “the pillars
               of the Earth.”

               I Samuel 2:8
               For the pillars of the earth are Yahweh's, He has set the world on them.

               Job 9:6
               Who shakes the earth out of its place; The pillars of it tremble...

               Psalms 75:3
               The earth and all its inhabitants quake. I firmly hold its pillars.
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