Page 285 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 285

As a son of God to whom Yahweh has revealed many things regarding the symbolic nature of the
               creation, opening my eyes to perceive parables in the design of the Universe, I must affirm that the
               heliocentric model of the Solar System is truer to both spiritual types and physical evidence. If we
               look at the Solar System as a parable, we would identify the Earth with man, for not only is the Earth
               man’s domain, but man’s flesh was formed of the dust of the Earth. The Sun represents God, for the
               Sun is the source of light, power, and life in the Solar System. Each of these attributes correlates to
               the role of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. The Scriptures also refer to Christ as the “Sun.”

               Malachi 4:2
               But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings...

               To be more specific, the Earth stands as a symbol of Adamic man, or the flesh man, who was formed
               on the 6  day of creation. The Moon, being closely associated with the Earth, yet smaller and lying
               in the heavens, stands as a symbol of mankind redeemed, or the Church.

               When we assign these identities to these heavenly bodies, a number of profound spiritual parables
               result. As previously mentioned, the Sun is a symbol of Yahshua who is the physical representation
               of the invisible God. Christ, like the Sun, is a source of life, light and power.

               John 1:4-5
               In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

               Colossians 1:11
               Strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might...

               Colossians 1:29
               And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.

               The Moon\Church has no glory of its own. It reflects the glory of the Sun\Yahshua. Just like the
               Moon, the glory of the church has waxed and waned through numerous periods of apostasy and
               revival. A most telling parable occurs during a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth,
               signifying the flesh of man, interposes itself between the Sun and Moon. So too, does the church of
               Christ lose all of its glory, and cease to function as a light in a dark world, when the flesh raises itself
               up and comes between the church and her only source of light and life.

               These parables are present only when one adopts the heliocentric model of the Solar System. If one
               adopts the geocentric model, the parables not only fail to manifest, but a new parable proclaiming
               a negative message of human pride becomes apparent. In the heliocentric model, man is portrayed
               as revolving around God who is at the center. This is as it should be, for man was created for God’s
               pleasure, not the other way around. Yet, if one embraces the geocentric model, then man becomes
               the center, and God revolves around the man. This is indeed how many carnal Christians view God.
               They see Him as a type of divine Santa Claus in the heavens who exists to meet their needs. This
               man-centered view is a distortion and corruption of the truth.

               I have never come across anyone teaching the geocentric model of the Solar System, or the flat and
               stationary Earth theories, who make reference to the parable aspect of their models. Although it is
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