Page 284 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 284

a  “flat-earther”  is  to  be  accused  of  superstition,  ignorance,  and  a  blind  opposition  to  truth.
               Consequently, if a significant number of people who are exposing the lies of NASA and the Apollo
               Moon missions can be persuaded to embrace the view that the world is flat and stationary, and the
               Sun and Moon and stars rotate around the Earth, the entire segment of the truth movement which
               refutes man’s false claims of space exploration can be brought into disrepute.

               The  flat,  stationary,  and  geocentric  model  of  the  Universe  has  been  particularly  attractive  to
               Christians due to the existence of numerous Bible passages which speak of the Earth in language
               which superficially appears to support such a view. As any Christian should be aware, the Scriptures
               can be wrongly interpreted to the detriment of mankind. The apostle Paul admonished Timothy and,
               by extension, every one of us with the following words.

               II Timothy 2:15
               Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a
               workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly
               handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.
               [Amplified Bible]

               If there were no danger of incorrectly analyzing and inaccurately dividing the Scriptures, this apostle
               of Christ would have had no need to utter such an admonition. Men derive false and incorrect
               interpretations of the Bible all the time. It is an ancient failing of mankind. In writing to Timothy
               once again, Paul speaks of interpretation errors relating to the subject of the Law.

               I Timothy 1:6-7
               For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be
               teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters
               about which they make confident assertions.

               The apostle Paul’s words could be applied to an endless list of Biblical subjects and passages. Men
               are continually engaging in fruitless discussion. They are prone to making confident assertions about
               matters they do not understand. This is the case when men and women cite Biblical passages to
               assert with confidence that the Earth is flat and stationary, and the Solar System is geocentric rather
               than heliocentric.
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