Page 283 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 283

Addendum: The Flat Earth Theory

               In the martial arts, especially Jujutsu, a common method of overcoming an adversary is to use their
               momentum against them. Rather than trying to stop an attack directly, the attack is diverted, and even
               accelerated, with the aim of causing an enemy to be thrown off balance. Rather than the attacker
               injuring the defender, his own movements can result in injury to himself. This method is effective
               in debate as well as in martial arts. I have at times wondered whether the present resurgence in the
               flat earth theory is the work of an adversary in reaction to attacks being leveled against the Moon
               hoax, for the Moon landing deception has been taking a drubbing.

               It has often proven more successful to divert an attack’s momentum, than to attempt to stop it cold.
               Many of the same arguments exposing the government lies pertaining to the Apollo Moon landings
               are used by those who contend that the Earth is flat and stationary. Not unexpectedly, some of the
               same people who are vocal about NASA faking the Moon landings are also proponents of the flat
               Earth model. Having perceived the lies of government and media pertaining to men walking on the
               surface of the Moon, many individuals are predisposed to believe other accusations of conspiracy
               which are presented to them, regardless of whether there is truth to the claims.

               When a man or woman has their eyes opened to perceive the blatant deception of the Moon landings,
               a deception carried out by government, media, educational institutions, and other shapers of men’s
               worldview, they naturally begin to wonder what other lies have been foisted upon an unsuspecting
               public. This makes them ripe for cunning deceivers who are all to glad to greet those climbing out
               of the ditch of deception on one side of the road, only to take their hand and throw them into the
               opposite ditch. Rather than stopping their inertia, they use it against them.

               One of the ultimate insults uttered by science enthusiasts is to call someone a “flat-earther.” This
               label is the equivalent of accusing someone of being  anti-science and anti-knowledge. To be labeled
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