Page 281 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 281

continued to celebrate Christmas and Easter with their families, friends, and at the workplace. One
               man told me that he agreed with everything I shared in the writing titled Removing the High Places,
               but when I asked him if he was going to no longer observe Christmas in his home, he responded
               negatively. He said his wife and daughter would be extremely grieved and stand in opposition to him
               if he did such a thing. He was unwilling to pay that cost. What did Christ say was required to be His

               Luke 14:26-27
               “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and
               brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”

               When obedience to Christ brings a man into conflict with those he loves, he must choose Christ
               above  all  others.  If  he  does  not,  the  man  is  not  worthy  to  be  a  disciple.  What  did  this  man
               demonstrate by his decision? One thing he demonstrated was that he did not love truth. It was more
               important to him to placate wife and daughter than to walk in truth. In essence, this man chose to
               allow deception, error, and falsehood to remain in his home. Why then should Christ disclose to him
               more truth, and reveal more deceptions when they arise? There is a principle in the kingdom of God
               that impacts all of us.

               Luke 8:18
               “Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has
               not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”

               If you hear truth and do not obey it, you will not be given more truth. Rather, you will stand in
               danger of losing what truth you have already received. This is a very perilous condition to be in
               during this hour of growing darkness and profound deception.

               Perhaps you think that if you are very wise and discerning you will be able to avoid falling for
               deception in the coming days. You may reason that it is not necessary to yield your life wholly to
               Christ so long as you are careful to examine all things closely. If this is what you believe, chances
               are very good that you are already deceived about a great many things. Your own abilities cannot
               save you from the deceptions of this world. There are cunning beings present in this world of far
               greater intelligence and wisdom, who have had millennia to plan their illusions. Only Christ can
               shepherd you safely through the coming days.

               Let me clarify that walking with Christ is an indispensable requirement for avoiding deception, but
               our minds and intellect do have a part to play. The Spirit of Christ may indicate to us that error is
               present in some matter. He may alert us to the presence of deception, but we will often be required
               to search the matter out in order to identify the lies. This may lead to much intense searching and
               study. It is very important that we heed that still small voice which whispers to us that something is
               amiss. If we are insensitive to that voice, or lack the patience to investigate a matter when it is
               brought to our attention, we will be deceived.

               This is a cause of failing for many Christians. I have failed in this area in the past. I have ignored the
               voice of the Spirit due to spiritual dullness, sloth, or being focused on some personal goal. When I
               should have stopped, inquired further of the Lord, and investigated, I blew through all of the warning
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