Page 280 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 280

Brothers and sisters, it is a true statement that among the hundreds of millions of people who profess
               to be Christians today, there are very few disciples. This does not bode well for the body of Christ
               in  coming  days,  for  it  is  only  the  disciples  to  whom  Christ  discloses  His  privy  counsel.  To
               “disciples” he said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but
               to  the  rest  it  is  in  parables, in  order  that  seeing  they  may  not  see,  and  hearing  they  may  not

               To those who would complain that this sounds elitist, take heed to what the Scriptures declare. Every
               person who has been born of the Spirit of Christ has set before them the invitation to be a disciple
               of Christ. If you have been born of the Spirit but are not a disciple, the fault is your own. You are
               hindered by your own will and affections.

               In the city of Corinth there was a group of believers who lived in a very affluent and pleasure focused
               society. This church in particular had problems with carnal desires and a lack of devotion to Christ.
               The apostle Paul wrote much to them, confronting and reproving their deficiencies. He told them that
               the riches of Christ were set before them, but they were not partaking of them. Why? It was not
               because Christ was playing favorites. The reason is disclosed in the following words.

               II Corinthians 6:12
               You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own affections.

               If your love and commitment to Christ is less than your commitment to experience ease and comfort
               and success in this world, the consequences will become evident. Your life will be marked by an
               inability to discern deception and error when you encounter it.

               There is one thing which will provide the ultimate safeguard against deception in this world, and that
               is to walk closely, intimately, in daily communion with Christ. You must be able to come to Him as
               the disciples did and ask Him to give you understanding. To have the privileges of a disciple you
               must pay the cost of discipleship. Yahshua testified the following of those disciples who walked with

               Luke 22:28-30
               And you are those who have remained [throughout] and persevered with Me in My trials; And as My
               Father has appointed a kingdom and conferred it on Me, so do I confer on you [the privilege and
               decree], that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom...
               [Amplified Bible]

               To be a partaker of Christ’s counsel, to eat and drink at His table,  you must also be a partaker of His
               suffering. Let me provide a real life example to illustrate this matter.

               In numerous writings I have taught on the pagan origins of Christmas and Easter. I have set forth the
               call of the Spirit of Christ to separate ourselves from that which is spiritually unclean and to not
               participate in holidays which are a corrupt mixture of the holy and the profane. The Son of God was
               the Passover Lamb, not the Easter ham.

               Many Christians have read these writings, even acknowledging the truth in them, but they have
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