Page 28 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 28

a twist. A bald eagle's head sits atop the axe, an American touch on an ancient Roman symbol.
               Adding to the American-ness, there are thirteen rods shown in the fasces, suggesting the thirteen
               original states that achieved independence from Britain and formed the United States. Seen as
               symbols of the states, and the American motto "E Pluribus Unum," or "Out of Many, One," the rods
               bound together suggest the union of the states and their bond by the Constitution. Each state is
               weaker individually, but together, they are stronger. This concept is so important that it is presented
               long before visitors reach the building itself and see the representation of the Savior of the Union.

               If you are an American and imbibed the usual political indoctrination throughout your school years,
               you may be shocked at what is written above on this official government website. Perhaps you were
               raised  to  view  government  as  a  servant  of  the  people.  After  all,  the  Constitution  speaks  of  a
               government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Why adopt the fascis as the symbol
               of American government? “The rods suggest punishment by beating, the axe suggests beheading...
               The fasces indicate the power and authority of the state over the citizens.”

               If any President exercised the power of the Federal government over the citizens of the nation, it was
               surely Lincoln. He used the full might and force of the U.S. military to wage war on America’s
               citizens. He imprisoned tens of thousands of northern citizens without charge or trial for the duration
               of the war simply because their opinions were considered a threat to his war aims. The American
               Civil War, which was conducted entirely under the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, claimed the
               lives of an estimated 620,000 to 850,000 soldiers from both sides of the conflict, depending on
               which report is cited. It has been estimated that another 200,000 to 250,000 civilians died during the
               conflict as a direct result of the war.

               The association of fascist forms of government with strong-arm dictators is firmly established.
               Lincoln is no exception. Although the symbol may have originally had more positive associations,
               signifying strength through union, and limited federal government, it should be remembered that the
               Roman  Republic  eventually  gave  way  to  the  Roman  Empire  where  Caesars  ruled  with  the
               authoritarian might of absolute dictators. It could be argued that the fascis adopted by America’s
               founding fathers prophesied symbolically of a similar path for this nation.

               I think it should be self-evident that America can be rightly defined as a fascist state. The adoption
               of  the  symbol  of  the  fascis  speaks  for  itself.  Yet  it  is  important  to  clarify  that  America  is  a
               Corporatist  Fascist  state.  The  framers  of  America’s  Constitution  may  have  intended  for  the
               government to answer to the citizens of the nation, but this is no longer the reality. It is now the
               corporations that have control of the government.

               As misguided as Thomas Jefferson was (see the book Dragon Flood for details), he understood one
               thing correctly. One of the greatest threats to a free, peaceful, and prosperous society are the money
               powers of this world. In a letter dated May 28, 1816, addressed to John Taylor, Jefferson wrote the

               The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated (expressed disapproval of). I
               contemplate  it  as  a  blot  left  in  all  our  constitutions,  which,  if  not  covered,  will  end  in  their
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