Page 274 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 274

You can find the pertinent scenes in the YouTube video below.


               Let me clarify that I am NOT stating that Satan is going to fake an alien invasion in these last days,
               nor am I asserting that the Bible teaches that such an event will occur. I am only positing that
               something along these lines is a possibility. I believe the global elite who have been pushing this
               manned space exploration narrative for nearly fifty years have done so for purposes other than
               money. My purpose in mentioning the alien invasion, or benevolent alien visitation scenarios, is to
               exhort the Christian to be alert to deception when it does occur. Satan is capable of pulling off
               extraordinary illusions. He has in his arsenal of tricks “all power and signs and false wonders.”

               If you are able to discern the audacity of the deceptions which have already been passed off, such
               as the lie that men landed on the Moon during repeated missions from 1969 to 1972, and you see that
               to this day the majority of people believe this lie and will respond to those who expose the lie with
               “the intruder’s welcome,” then you might well imagine what greater lying signs and wonders Satan
               may pull off in coming days.

               Before the Apollo Missions, Satan used the media (books, movies, TV, magazines, radio) for
               decades to prime society to accept the lie of the Moon landings. What has Satan been priming men
               to receive in these last days? There is plenty of evidence to suggest he has been preparing mankind
               to believe that travel between planets is possible, and that even as man can travel to distant planets,
               so too can the inhabitants of distant worlds travel to Earth. Does it not strike you as suspicious that
               as movies are being released on these themes, that the controllers of the global media are trotting out
               scientists to tell people that what they are seeing in the movies is scientifically sound and plausible?

               It matters not to me whether the next great deception involves visitors from other planets. What is
               important is that Christians exercise spiritual discernment that they might recognize the deception
               in whatever form it appears. It is certain that great deceptions are coming. The Bible does declare
               this. Christ states that the deceptions will be so profound that, if possible, even the elect of God will
               be deceived.

               Mark 13:22-23
               For false Christs (anointed ones) and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to
               deceive even the elect - if that were possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead
               of time.

               Revelation 13:13
               And he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the
               presence of men.

               Will you be able to tell the difference between a lying sign which is a work of the devil, and a true
               sign from God? If you previously believed that men had gone to the Moon and back, perhaps you
               will understand the peril that Christians face in these days. Deception is powerful and pervasive.
               Those  who  see  the  deception  for  what  it  is,  and  subsequently  disclose  the  lies  to  others,  are
               frequently branded as lunatics themselves. It is a perilous world we live in, for men prefer lies to
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