Page 270 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 270

We see this same narrative entering into the human psyche through Hollywood productions. A great
               number of movies have been made which make manned space exploration appear plausible. The
               recent major movie releases of Interstellar and The Martian are but two of a steady stream of films
               which have seeded the thought of the practicality of sending men to other planetary bodies. My
               suspicions have been raised as I have observed the manner in which these movies are being pitched
               in the media. When the movies Interstellar and The Martian were released they were accompanied
               by a large number of interviews with scientists who were invited to comment on the accuracy of the
               science being presented in them. For example, when Interstellar was released, the physicist Kip
               Thorne began making the interview circuit in the press and on television, explaining the science
               behind wormhole travel. Kip Thorne also served as a science consultant for the movie.

               Astrophysicist Kip Thorne with Actress Jessica Chastain

               When The Martian was released, a similar phenomenon occurred as the popular science speaker,
               Neil DeGrasse Tyson was repeatedly interviewed about the science presented in the movie. DeGrasse
               Tyson was interviewed on CBS’ This Morning program where he talked about all of the science The
               Martian got right. You can watch the interview at the link below.


               Knowing  the  nature  of  this  world  system,  that  the  same  people  who  dictate  the  policies  of
               government also own the media, the question arises, “Why are they so interested in convincing
               people that travel between planets, and even to the far reaches of space, is possible? How does
               convincing the public of the credibility of interplanetary travel benefit them?” Perhaps the answer
               can be found in something President Ronald Reagan stated on repeated occasions. Bear in mind that
               Reagan was both an actor, and a political puppet of the global elite.


               Ronald Reagan at Fallston High School in Fallston, Maryland on December 4, 1985: I couldn’t
               help at one point in my discussions privately with General Secretary Gorbachev, when you stop to
               think that we are all God’s children wherever we may live in the world, I couldn’t help but say to
               him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there
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