Page 269 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 269

Of course, all of these similarities which NASA claims exist between the location of the Haughton
               Mars Project on Devon Island and the Martian surface, coupled with its extreme remoteness, lack
               of an indigenous population, deficient mapping, and absence of vegetation, makes it an ideal location
               for faking the Mars rover images. Some skeptical researchers have analyzed the photos NASA is
               claiming to be receiving from the Martian surface and have spotted what appears to be evidence that
               the images were actually taken at Devon Island, or at other remote locations which NASA is known
               to frequent.

               Some of the evidence includes what appears to be an Arctic Lemming in one photo, and bones from
               a whale and a walrus in other images. There is also an image of what looks like a piece of old wood
               lying on the ground, as well as photos showing lichen and small fossils, none of which should be
               present on Mars. You can see all of these images in the following video titled The Mars Rover
               Hypothesis. The discussion of the photos begins at the 26 minute mark.


               The evidence presented in this video is enough for me to conclude that NASA is most probably
               faking the Mars rover missions in the same way they faked the Apollo missions. Suspicions about
               NASA fakery are not limited to Christians, or conservatives. An interesting comment is made by
               former President Bill Clinton in his autobiography, My Life: The Early Years which was published
               in 2004.

               I worked one week helping a sixty-seven-year-old-man put up one of Jeff’s pre-fab houses in the
               small settlement of Story, west of Hot Springs. The old guy worked me into the ground every day and
               shared a lot of his homespun wisdom and country skepticism with me. Just a month before, Apollo
               11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had left their colleague, Michael Collins, aboard
               spaceship Columbia and walked on the Moon, beating by five months President Kennedy’s goal of
               putting a man on the moon before the decade was out. The old carpenter asked me if I really
               believed it happened. I said sure, I saw it on television. He disagreed; he said that he didn't believe
               it for a minute, that 'them television fellers' could make things look real that weren't. Back then, I
               thought he was a crank. During my eight years in Washington, I saw some things on TV that made
               me wonder if he wasn't ahead of his time.

               A question to answer is “Why does NASA continue to lie and deceive the populace regarding their
               accomplishments in space? Aside from the monetary explanation of being able to justify an annual
               budget of billions of dollars which can be diverted to other clandestine purposes, I am persuaded that
               additional motives are involved. After all, the U.S. government could choose any of a number of
               false projects to siphon off taxpayer dollars. Why do they continue to expand the space exploration

               One obvious result of their deceptions is that mankind is being conditioned to believe manned space
               exploration is possible and is advancing. Most people believe the government narrative that six
               missions placed men on the Moon’s surface beginning in 1969. They believe NASA has repeatedly
               placed rovers on Mars, and NASA has been asserting for decades that the next leap in space will be
               to send manned missions to the Red Planet.
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