Page 26 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 26

Who Really Controls America’s Government?

               Having established that there is an interlinking network of transnational corporations which control
               global commerce, the next step toward establishing a true and non-illusory view of the world is to
               demonstrate that these corporate powers are intertwined with the governments of nations. Indeed,
               the prevailing form of government on Earth is Corporate Fascism. This is true whether one is
               speaking in reference to the United States or to Russia, whether discussing the United Kingdom or
               China. The outward appearance of national governments is largely a facade. To use an expression
               from the previous chapter, it is “theater.” Even as the media has their “puppet theater,” so do the
               governments of the nations have their “political theater.”

               What is Corporate Fascism? In 1932 an essay was published by Benito Mussolini, the Italian
               dictator, and Giovanni Gentile. The writing was titled La Dottrina del Fascismo (The Doctrine of
               Fascism). In this essay the following statement appears.

               “Fascism should more properly be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate

               Some  writers in  discussing the evident collusion  between governments and corporations have
               declared what has arisen to be Fascism. Others define it as Corporatism. I have chosen to refer to it
               as Corporate Fascism. The word Fascism derives from the Latin Fascis which describes a bundle
               of rods attached to an axe. Fasces is the plural of Fascis. However, many English writers tend to use
               “Fasces” for both singular and plural references. The Fascis was carried by a Roman magistrate as
               a symbol of his authority.
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