Page 250 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
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today produce tanks, armored cars, self-propelled guns, launchers, missile carriers, anti-aircraft
               guns, and trucks.

               In  addition,  military  tanks,  so  essential  to  any  military  structure,  are  constructed  in  two  key
               production plants: “the Gorki plant and the Zil plant...” The Gorki plant was built from scratch by
               Henry Ford in the 1930's...

               One of the most recent examples of American technology coming back to haunt the American people
               has come from the experience in building the Kama River truck factory in Russia in 1969. This plant,
               capable of producing 100,000 heavy duty trucks and 150,000 diesel engines a year, more than all
               U.S. manufacturers put together, cost the Russians over $1.4 billion. Nearly $1 billion of that total
               came from the United States in the form of computers, heavy equipment, and foundry equipment...

               In addition to building the plants that produce the military hardware essential to Russia’s armed
               forces, the Americans constructed essential industries to assist the actual construction process. For
               instance, there are two steel plants in Russia... Both of these plants were constructed by American
               companies, the one in Magnitogorsk by the Arthur G. McKee & Co., the builder of the U.S. Steel
               plant in Gary, Indiana, and the other by the Freyn Engineering Company of Chicago.

               The oil industry also received American attention... Lenin gave three oil boring concessions to three
               major oil companies: Standard Oil Company (Rockefeller); the Comparre Oil Company of New
               Jersey..., and Royal Dutch Shell.

               In addition to the oil concessions, Standard Oil received a concession to build a 150,000 ton
               kerosene plant, capable of producing 100 octane gasoline. Standard Oil also concluded a deal to
               market Russian oil in Eastern European markets...

               Gary Allen, another researcher of merit into this subject has stated: “It is possible the Rockefellers
               still own oil production facilities behind the Iron Curtain, drawing profits out through Switzerland.
               [Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

               What is even more shocking is that the American government sent the Soviets plans for America’s
               military technology, including the building of submarines and the atomic bomb. The transfer to
               Russia of the technology to build nuclear weapons was alluded to in a novel written by the son of
               Franklin Roosevelt in 1980. The book is titled A Family Matter. The dust cover of the book states,
               “Roosevelt... makes a bold secret decision - to share the results of the Manhattan Project with the
               Soviet Union.”

               The world banking interests would have had a hard time selling to America and the West the idea
               of a Soviet threat if America alone had nuclear weapons and Russia did not. There would have been
               little basis for an arms race, thus the technology was given to the Russians. It was necessary for the
               Russians to have nuclear weapons so that a state of continual threat of nuclear destruction could be
               used to justify both exorbitant military spending and various policy actions.

               An article in the Wall Street Journal of April 25, 1975, headlined: “U.S. Quietly Allows Uranium
               Shipments to Soviet Union for Processing into Fuel.” The article detailed that the State Department
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