Page 247 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 247

their suits did not appear to be brittle or to fracture.

               Then there is the issue of the slow motion movements of the astronauts while on the lunar surface.
               Stanley Kubrick had popularized the idea of people in space or in low gravity environments moving
               in slow motion in his film 2001, A Space Odyssey. This movie was released the year before the first
               Apollo Moon landing. Its depiction of movement in space helped prepare people to accept the videos
               of the Apollo Moon walks.


               It does not make sense for the astronauts on the Moon to move about in slow motion. In 1/6th gravity
               their actions should be quicker, and without an atmosphere to dampen movements, motions should
               occur faster for friction is reduced. The only thing that would be slowed would be vertical motions
               as the diminished lunar gravity pulls objects toward the surface. Just ask yourself the question,
               “Should a person be able to run faster in a low gravity environment with no atmosphere, or in a high
               gravity environment with a thick atmosphere?”

               To think of it another way, consider how your movements would be affected if you put 10 pound
               weights on each of your feet. Would you not move slower with the added weight? How about if you
               increased the weight to 25 pounds on each foot, and then 50 pounds on each foot? You would be
               sluggish indeed. Now consider that you have been walking around with a 50 pound weight on each
               foot for a month, and suddenly you take the weights off. What would your muscle memory do to
               your actions? You would end up making quicker, exaggerated motions unintentionally. Yet that is
               not what we see in the movements of the astronauts on the Moon.

               The truth is that no man has ever observed a person moving on the surface of a planet with a lower
               gravity than Earth’s and a thinner atmosphere, so people are easily persuaded to believe whatever
               depictions are shown to them on television.

               I am going to move on now to discuss another subject that often comes up when discussing the
               Moon landing hoax. Many people defend the NASA narrative by stating that, if it were not true, the
               Soviets would certainly have known the truth and announced the deception to the world, for they
               were the mortal enemies of the United States. People who make such assertions have not yet
               discerned how deep the rabbit hole of deception goes.

               Kruschev and Kennedy, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
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