Page 243 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 243

The LLRV, however, seemed to be more of a proof-of-concept design to convince the public that
               NASA had this technology well in hand, than an actual simulator of what the Apollo astronauts
               would experience. The LLRV had guidance rockets mounted in strategic places on the frame to
               control the motion of the craft. These guidance rockets were not powerful enough to lift the LLRV
               off the surface of the Earth, so NASA chose to mount a jet engine in the bottom center of the craft,
               mounted on gimbals which allowed it to move. The jet engine provided thrust to raise the vehicle
               off the ground. Jet engines, however, cannot be used on the Moon for they operate by pushing
               massive amounts of air at high speed through their turbines. The Moon has no atmosphere, so jets
               cannot be used there.

               The public may have been fooled into thinking that there is no essential difference between mounting
               a jet underneath a vehicle and mounting a rocket in the same place, but the differences are in fact
               many and significant. One of the critical differences is that a jet engine can be throttled up and down
               easily to alter the amount of thrust it is producing. By contrast, at the time of the Apollo program,
               no rocket had ever been designed that could be throttled up and down to vary its thrust. Rockets were
               either on or off. They were pedal to the metal, or full stop. Yet, to land a craft on the Moon would
               require  a  variable  thrust  rocket  motor  so  that  the  thrust  could  be  tapered  off  as  the  vehicle
               approached the lunar surface.

               One anomalous detail of the Moon landings that has been pointed out by many individuals is that
               both the landing rocket and the launch rocket used to escape from the lunar surface are shown in
               television clips and still images as having no visible rocket plume.


               This is to me one of the most poorly faked parts of the Apollo missions. The omission of the rocket
               plume and exhaust smoke seems to have been accepted by many people as authentic because they
               had been previously plied with images of the LLRV flying in the Earth’s atmosphere without any
               exhaust trail. Most of the public never understood that the LLRV used a jet engine, not a rocket.

               LLRV Training Flight

               NASA never built a prototype of the Lunar Lander using variable thrust rockets which the astronauts
               could test on Earth. Consequently, the very first time the Apollo astronauts ever flew such a craft was
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