Page 242 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 242

More Moon Madness

               Lunar Lander Model in a Mississippi Park

               This will be the last chapter of this book to address technological problems of the NASA Apollo
               Space Program narrative. There are a great many technology issues which could be addressed, but
               it has never been a goal of this book to serve as an exhaustive treatise on all of the evidence related
               to this topic. I am going to briefly touch on a number of technologies reportedly used in the Apollo
               program. If the reader is inclined to do so, they are encouraged to search out these subjects further
               on their own.

               One of the claims of NASA that strikes me as lacking credibility (and there are many), is that the
               astronauts of the Apollo program were able to set the lunar lander down on the Moon’s surface on
               six different occasions without mishap. This claim is particularly improbable because the technology
               had never been tested prior to landing on the Moon, and nothing else like it existed anywhere.

               NASA  created  a  simulator  for  the  astronauts  to  practice  on  to  give  them  some  Earth-based
               experience on handling the lunar lander.

               Lunar Lander Research Vehicle (LLRV)
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