Page 241 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 241

of accomplishing back then. I feel repulsed when I read the disingenuous words of NASA’s current
               administrator. “Imagine trips to Mars that take weeks instead of nearly a year, people fanning out
               across the inner solar system, exploring the moon, asteroids and Mars nearly simultaneously in a
               steady stream of firsts.” Yeah, just imagine! That is all it is, imagination. NASA can only encourage
               mankind to dream about space travel, for they have never sent anyone beyond low Earth orbit, nor
               are they anywhere close to doing so today.

               The behavior of the American space program is itself a contradiction. How does one get from the
               first step into near Earth orbit and then all the way to the Moon in a decade, only to spend the next
               50 years going no further than a few hundred miles, with no possibility of reaching the Moon with
               current technology? The lie is exposed in the false history of NASA’s mythology.
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