Page 24 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 24

computer expert who is tapped into all forms of communications of the Empire which spans 30
               worlds. Mr. Universe informs the crew that there is “the signal” which is raw and unedited, and then
               there is the “puppet theater” to entertain the somnambulant masses.

               Serenity  - Puppet Theater Clip

               Mr. Universe: Do you think you are in a hot place?
               Crew Member: That is what we are looking to learn. Is there any follow-up on News wave?
               Mr. Universe: There is no news. There is the truth of the signal - what I see. And, there is the puppet
               theater, the Parliament jester’s voice for the somnambulant public.
               Crew Member: Well what about this? Did this make the puppet theater?

               Mr. Universe - The Truth of the Signal

               The movie Serenity was released in 2005. Significant to the subject at hand, the movie’s plot
               revolves around the crew of the Serenity uncovering a government plot to add a drug called Pax, or
               Paxilon Hydrochlorate, to the air processors of one of the worlds they have terraformed. The drug
               was intended to render the citizens of this world passive so they would not resist the control of the
               interplanetary government. The drug had an unintended effect, however, as most of the people lost
               the will to do anything. They even quit eating and just laid down and died.

               There is a parallel present in this movie to the unseen government of our world, a government which
               is using the airwaves to render the populace amenable to their control. In Latin, the word Pax means
               Peace. The illusions that the global elite are spreading through the airwaves and various media are
               intended to render the populace pliable to their will and cooperative with their goals, even if those
               goals mean the ultimate death of the majority of mankind.

               Mr. Universe stated, “there is the puppet theater, the Parliament jester’s voice for the somnambulant
               public.” The word “somnambulant” is defined as “walking or having the habit of walking while
               asleep,  resembling or having the characteristics of a sleepwalker.” Sadly, this word describes not
               only the majority of people in this world, it also is a fitting description of most Christians. The
               apostle Paul wrote:

               I Thessalonians 5:5-6
               We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.

               Brothers and sisters, if you are not perceiving the world of illusion all around you, you are neither
               alert nor sober. You are stumbling sleepily through this world and doing so can only result in great
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