Page 23 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 23

refer to the work of propagandizing the masses as “manufacturing consent.” By deceiving and
               manipulating the people, the consent of the nations is gained.

               Do you perceive this deception all around you? Are your eyes opened to perceive the hidden hand
               that guides events? Or do you still believe that America is a nation where the government serves the
               people? Are you so blinded by propaganda that you believe America can be changed by electing a
               Republican instead of a Democrat for President? Do you perceive that the candidates of both parties
               have been hand picked, and they are equally servants of an invisible government?
               [End Excerpt]

               I groan inwardly when I hear from Christians today who speak with effusive praise of men like
               Donald Trump. Trump is saying all the things that patriotic American conservatives want to hear.
               He appears to be a champion of the common man. Brothers and sisters, it is all an ILLUSION. We
               live in a world where many illusions are manufactured to deceive the people. It is necessary that you
               practice the discernment needed to determine what is true and what is a lie. Donald Trump is a
               servant of the global elite. He is a corporation man. He has received financing amounting to billions
               of dollars for his real estate investments from the same transnational banking interests that control
               the policies of national governments.

               With a word these financial rulers could bring Trump’s empire crashing to the ground. He could be
               left financially destitute, his reputation sullied, and his life ruined at the whim of the corporate
               masters. Although he speaks defiantly, and gives an appearance of being independent, he is in reality
               a corporate slave. Donald Trump is playing the role that has been assigned to him. He will do the
               will of those who hold the reins of power, for he knows very well the consequences of defying them.
               Donald Trump’s real estate empire is heavily leveraged with debt. The debtor is always slave to the

               Like Ronald Reagan, Trump is an actor. His words do not match his life and actions. He is a godless,
               proud, sexually immoral, dishonest, scheming individual who has risen to wealth and power through
               the assistance of the Luciferian financial corporations that dictate the course of nations. If Trump
               were elected he would betray every promise made while campaigning, in the same manner that
               Barack Obama did after his election. There are a large number of videos on YouTube which have
               juxtaposed Obama’s campaign promises with his words and actions after he was elected President,
               revealing that he has done just the opposite of what he promised to those who voted for him.

               Brothers and sisters, if you are engaged in watching the American political process on corporate
               media, you are observing political theater. It is play-acting. It is hypocrisy. There is no truth in it. It
               is an illusion that has been pulled over people’s eyes. Edward Bernays spoke the truth when he stated
               that the actions of America’s Presidents are “stage-managed.” The political world set before the eyes
               of the populace is puppet theater for the sleeping masses. Hollywood has been surreptitiously telling
               people this for many years. They know the public is so bewitched by illusion as they stumble sleepily
               through the dream world they are living in, that no one will take notice.

               In the film clip below from the science fiction movie Serenity based on the television show Firefly,
               there is a scene when the crew of the ship seek information from Mr. Universe. Mr. Universe is a
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