Page 224 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 224

fakery, NASA is seeking to repossess samples which could result in further embarrassment, like that
               which they suffered when Dutch scientists proved the rock in the Rijksmuseum was in actuality a
               piece of petrified wood.

               Moon Rock from Apollo 14

               One might also ask why NASA would initiate a program such as Operation Lunar Eclipse. NASA
               is not a law enforcement agency. Surely the FBI, or local law enforcement agencies, could handle
               the trade in bogus Moon rocks. So why commit NASA’s limited resources to prevent elderly
               Americans from being scammed? I am not convinced of NASA’s altruism. Rather, I believe it is part
               of their program to prevent the lunar samples they gifted during the Apollo years from being sold
               to private parties who might subject them to scientific scrutiny. They in fact accomplished this when
               they recovered the Goodwill Moon Rocks gifted to the people of Honduras. Why should NASA care,
               unless they were eager to keep these historic gifts from being scrutinized too closely? I would not
               be surprised to learn that NASA has had a hand in the removal of these historic gifts from the public.
               Having served their purpose back in the 1960s and 1970s, there is no benefit to NASA in allowing
               their own bogus Moon rocks to remain in the hands of the public. They have a strong motive to
               remove these Moon rocks from the public domain, a feat which is certainly being accomplished as
               2/3rds of the Goodwill Moon Rocks can no longer be accounted for.

               In order for NASA to fake the Moon landings, one thing they would have to do in advance is prepare
               samples of the lunar soil and rocks which could be passed off as authentic. The samples to be given
               as goodwill gifts and encased in Lucite need not be of the same quality as those which would be
               presented to scientists for study. Whereas NASA may have passed off petrified wood as a Moon rock
               to those who would treat it as a souvenir, they would have to go to far greater lengths to deceive the
               scientific community.

               This leads to another anomalous detail of the NASA Apollo Program. During the Antarctic Summer
               of 1966/1967, when development of the Apollo program would have been at fever pitch, with
               everyone working extended hours to fulfill President Kennedy’s goal of setting a man on the Moon
               before the decade was out, NASA inexplicably sent a number of their top managers on a trip to
               Antarctica. Following is an excerpt from the August 8, 2007 Wikipedia entry on Wernher Von
               Braun. I had to access this quotation from the Internet archive website Wayback Machine, because
               Wikipedia has since altered the article on Wernher Von Braun, and the key statement underlined can
               no longer be found there.

               During the local summer of 1966/67, von Braun participated in a U.S. government expedition to
               Antarctica. The expedition was one of the first to systematically search the ice surface for meteorites
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