Page 223 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 223

The entire body of the alleged prehistoric man is reconstructed from a fragment. From a tooth, the
               scientists come up with an idea of what the jaw might have looked like. From the jawbone, they then
               hypothesize about what the other cranial features might have been. From their conjecture of the skull,
               they then postulate about what the rest of the bodily frame and structure must have resembled. In the
               case of Nebraska Man, all this was done from one tooth.

               Nebraska Man

               Six years after the tooth was found, it was discovered that it actually belonged to an extinct pig. The
               reconstruction may have been hailed as “brilliant” and “genius,” but in hindsight it was hardly
               worthy of such accolades. The drawing which appeared in Illustrated London News does not look
               like any pig I have ever seen. Truly, much that is passed off as truth, whether originating among the
               scientific community, or outside of it, is limited only by the imagination of the theorist and the
               gullibility of the hearers.

               A point I would make is that of all those who attended this exhibition at the Dutch Rijksmuseum,
               I am confident the vast majority who looked upon this piece of Arizona petrified wood saw in it a
               rock  plucked  from  the  surface of  the  Moon.  People  tend  to  believe  what  the  authorities  and
               specialists tell them. If you show them a pig’s tooth and say it belonged to a prehistoric man, they
               are quite willing to believe. So too do men accept it at face value when they are shown a rock from
               the Earth and told it is a rock from the Moon.

               There is a famous adage which states, “You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool
               all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.” NASA
               would have to do better than passing off petrified wood as Moon rocks if they were to fool all of the
               people, especially those in the scientific community. NASA has allowed researchers to conduct
               studies on some of the rocks they claim were returned from the Moon. If they gave researchers pieces
               of petrified wood, or volcanic pumice, the ruse would soon be discovered. Consequently, I believe
               NASA has in their inventory of Moon materials rocks which are extra-terrestrial, though I do not
               believe the Apollo astronauts picked them up while standing on the surface of the Moon. I am
               persuaded that NASA resorted to other means to obtain a supply of extra-terrestrial material to
               present to the scientific community in the wake of the Apollo Missions. The obvious choice for such
               material are Earth-impacting meteorites.

               If my guess is correct, I believe NASA’s new emphasis on enacting stricter control of Moon samples
               is an act of damage control in the wake of increased scrutiny of their achievements from the Apollo
               Program. With the advent of the Internet, and a growing awareness of evidence of government
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