Page 22 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 22

As one reads the writings of men like Edward Bernays, Walter Lippman, Ivy Lee, and other pioneers
               of modern propaganda, it becomes evident just how pervasive the practice of manipulating public
               opinion has become. The following statement of Bernays, written in 1928, could have been written
               as a commentary on America’s current President.

               Again, the objection is raised that propaganda is utilized to manufacture our leading political
               personalities. It is asked whether, in fact, the leader makes the propaganda, or whether propaganda
               makes the leader. There is a widespread impression that a good press agent can puff up a nobody
               into a great man.
               [Source: Ibid]

               Truly, there has seldom been a less accomplished man who was portrayed as a great statesman, than
               the  current  President  (Barack  Obama).  Many  were  astonished  when  after  his  election  to  the
               Presidency he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. There was no basis for the award. He had not
               brokered any peace agreements. He had no political history of accomplishment. All the awards and
               popular press he was receiving were part of a massive, organized plan to manufacture an image of
               a great man out of a nobody. The ruling elite chose Obama as a figurehead to accomplish their
               purposes. They manufactured a false history for his life, and the public by and large has accepted it
               due to the universal and continuous flood of propaganda that has attended his ascension to public

               Although Obama is a willing instrument of men in carrying out the destruction of America as a
               wealthy nation of great liberty, he is not the one making decisions. Those who created his public
               image and arranged his election to the Presidency are the true powers behind the throne. As far back
               as 1928 Edward Bernays wrote:

               The public actions of America’s chief executive  are, if one chooses to put it that way, stage-
               [Source: Ibid]

               Edward Bernays did not apologize for his views. He believed that it was right and necessary for an
               enlightened minority to guide the masses.

               Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to
               regiment and guide the masses. Is this government by propaganda?... It must be enlightened, expert
               propaganda through the creation of circumstances, through the high-spotting of significant events,
               and the dramatization of important issues.
               [Source: Ibid]

               Consider carefully what is declared here. An “intelligent minority,” a global elite, believe it is their
               right and duty to regiment human behavior. They accomplish this control of mankind through
               creating events and circumstances that will provide a context to move the masses in a particular
               direction. That which passes for spontaneous news events today are seldom spontaneous, or news.
               They are dramatizations played out on a world stage with the intent of manipulating mankind. The
               global elite need the masses to consent to their schemes leading to a one world government. They
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