Page 210 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 210

Artist’s Rendering of SLS with Orion Capsule

               Why, with all the tremendous advances in computer processing, space age materials, and new rocket
               fuels, has it taken NASA 50 years to duplicate what they accomplished repeatedly with the Saturn
               V in the years 1968-1972? The obvious answer is that the Saturn V rocket did not in reality have the
               fabled capacity which NASA claims. This also would explain why the Saturn V was scuttled after
               the Moon missions and all its manufacturing components ordered destroyed by Congress.

               If NASA intended to fake the Moon missions, they would not need a rocket with the advertised
               capacity of the Saturn V. The complete Apollo spacecraft was never seen by the public atop the
               Saturn V rocket. All the public saw was the outside of the protective cover. Assembly of the rocket
               and payload components occurred out of sight in a closed hangar, and was then rolled out fully
               assembled to the launch pad.

               The only part of the Apollo Spacecraft visible to the public on network television as the rocket sat
               on the launch pad was the Command Module. This gum drop shaped module at the very top of the
               rocket is what the public saw the astronauts entering as they were strapped into their seats. Of the
               three modules, which also included the Service Module and the Lunar Module, the Command
               Module was the lightest of the three. It weighed only 11,000 pounds. NASA could easily have left
               the other modules out. They could have then used a far less powerful first stage for the Saturn V
               rocket than what would be required for an actual Moon mission.

               Rocketdyne had met only with failure when attempting to combust the immense volume of fuel
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