Page 209 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 209
Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland.
Originally maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club was formerly
located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at "33 Royal Street" with the entrance recognizable by
an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it.
Although I believe it was Stanley Kubrick who was given the job of directing the faked Apollo Moon
landings, Walt Disney had an equally important role as he prepared the world to accept the fantasy
of man traveling to other heavenly bodies to establish his dominion. Walt Disney, along with many
others, did what Edward Bernays stated could be accomplished through the skilled use of
propaganda. They succeeded in “puff(ing) up a nobody into a great man.” They built the myth of
Wernher Von Braun to such an extent that people believed NASA when they said this German
engineer had taken a failed rocket and turned it into the most capable rocket in human history.
Von Braun and crew would perfect in a few months “the biggest, most powerful, and most reliable
rocket the world had ever seen - and has not seen since.” According to NASA, the Saturn V which
had been consistently unstable in the hands of Rocketdyne’s engineers, would have all of its issues
resolved in short order under the guidance of their German wunderkind. Not having achieved a
single successful launch in the previous five years, it would prove flawless once NASA took control
of the rocket’s development. The Saturn V would literally go from zero to hero. And with a perfect
track record as the world’s mightiest and most reliable heavy lift rocket, NASA would promptly
retire the Saturn V after the Apollo Moon missions, and then spend nearly ten years and billions of
dollars developing an entirely new rocket system to be used with the Space Shuttle. The new rocket
system would be less powerful, less reliable, and limit NASA to lifting payloads no greater than
50,000 pounds into space for the next forty years.
Only now, nearly fifty years later, does NASA have on the drawing board a new heavy lift rocket that
will meet or exceed the capacity of the Saturn V. The Space Launch System (SLS) calls for a new
rocket to be ready by 2018 which will be capable of lifting 70 tons into low earth orbit. That is little
more than half of the Saturn V’s 130 ton capacity, but the SLS will be scaled up over time until it
can lift 130 tons into space.