Page 208 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 208

I do not doubt that Satan was mocking the folly of man by tying the two together. For those not yet
               aware, Walt Disney had deep associations with Freemasonry. Answering the question of whether
               Walt Disney was a Freemason, a website by Freemasons offers the following explanation.

               Now part of what may have cause(sic) the confusion is that during the 1950s, Disneyland sponsored
               various clubs for its employees, including a knitting club, a shooting club, a skiing club, bowling and
               softball teams. There was also a Masonic club at Disney, presumably for the employees who were

               However, even though Disney wasn't a Freemason, he did belong to Demolay as a boy, which is a
               fraternal  organization  sponsored  by  Masonry.  While  many  Demolay  do  go  on  to  become
               Freemasons, Walt Disney never joined a Masonic Lodge. Walt Disney was kind of a big deal in
               Demolay--he was only the 107th member to join the organization, and a member of the Mother
               Chapter. He was later inducted into Demolay's Legion of Honor, and the Hall of Fame. He was very
               fond of the Demolay organization, and spoke out favorably about it often. In fact, he made his
               creation, Mickey Mouse, a member of Demolay!

               DeMolay is a Masonic organization for children named in honor of Jacques De Molay, the last Grand
               Master of the Knights Templar, the paternal organization to which Freemasonry traces its roots.
               Jacques De Molay was burned at the stake in the year 1314, having been accused of numerous
               profane and obscene crimes. The Knight’s Templars were accused of many sordid acts, including
               worshiping  Baphomet  and  indulging  in  homosexuality,  pedophilia,  and  other  forms  of  sexual
               debauchery. When one examines how the Walt Disney company perverts and sexually corrupts the
               lives of youth today, it is quite believable that the spirit of De Molay permeates this organization.

               Others have speculated that Walt Disney was secretly a 33  degree Freemason. This conclusion is
               supported by the secret club at Disneyland in California called Club 33.
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