Page 207 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 207

Project Mars by Willy Ley and Wernher Von Braun

               From the 1950s onward, space flight became a popular subject in the media. Through a constant
               barrage of books and articles, movies and television shows, the public was being prepared to accept
               the idea of man being able to travel to other celestial bodies.

               At the same time, Wernher Von Braun was being built up to mythological proportions. He was the
               German master of rocketry who would help America, and all of mankind, realize their dreams of
               reaching to the stars. Walt Disney, no stranger to creating world’s of fantasy, was called upon to help
               prepare the public to accept a future vision of manned space travel. Disney produced a number of
               special broadcasts on the subject of space exploration. Wernher Von Braun was further immortalized
               through these broadcasts, his reputation growing to astronomical proportions.

               Man in Space - 1955

               Trip Around the Moon - 1955

               Disney produced many more programs on the subject of Moon exploration and space travel. Isn’t
               it interesting that the company that made a global icon of a talking mouse would also play a key role
               in selling the idea of Moon exploration to mankind?
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