Page 203 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 203

have been embraced as eagerly by Christians as they have been by the unregenerate. Why is this so?
               It is because Christians are failing to walk as spiritual men and women. Having set their minds on
               earthly pursuits they are unable to contend with spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. They
               are vulnerable to every lie and illusion of the enemies of Christ.

               Who do you think approved the reading of this Bible passage during the Apollo 8 mission? Who
               scheduled it to be read during primetime, Christmas Eve, preempting regularly scheduled television
               programming? (Perhaps there is another reason television broadcasts are called “programming.”)
               This was not a spontaneous act of the three astronauts. They did not simply happen to have a Bible
               on board their spaceship. It was a scripted event.

               Perhaps it was Edwin Webb, the Administrator of NASA from 1961-1968, who was a Masonic
               member of University Lodge No. 408 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina who suggested this Bible
               reading. Or perhaps it was Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, manager of the Apollo Command and Services
               Modules, who was a member of Fairview Lodge No. 699 in Fairview, Ohio. Maybe it was Thomas
               Kelly, leader of the Apollo Lunar Module program, who was a member of Cornell University’s Quill
               and Dagger secret society. It may even have been President Lyndon B. Johnson, for whom NASA’s
               Johnson Space Center is named. He too was a Freemason, initiated on October 30, 1937, in Johnson
               City Lodge No. 561 in Johnson City, Texas. What is certain is that, as the actor stated in the movie
               Interstellar, “it was a brilliant piece of propaganda.”


               I know some elements of this chapter have appeared previously. I thought they were worth repeating.
               David McGowan, in his book Wagging the Moondoggie, presented a salient point for consideration.
               “if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that
               lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive?
               What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community,
               and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very
               nature of the world we live in?”

               Let us answer the question, removing the “if.” Since NASA did pull off such an outrageous hoax
               before the entire world, the Scriptures are confirmed, for they tell us, “The whole world lies in the
               power of the evil one” (I John 5:19). The evil one is further described as “the devil and Satan, who
               deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). The lies of Satan have permeated the media. They have
               infiltrated  the  scientific  community.  They  have  embedded  themselves  within  the  educational
               community. They are everywhere, in all the institutions we depend upon to tell us truth. Those who
               are wise will walk with their eyes open, testing everything.
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