Page 202 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 202

adult life, Donald Trump has done business with major organized-crime figures and performed
               favors for their associates."

               I am appalled that so many Christians are embracing this godless man who is a servant of Satan. I
               believe if the Devil himself were to pick up a Bible and promise he was going to defend the rights
               of Christians, that a majority of Christians would vote for him. The apostle Paul admonished the
               body of Christ with the following words.

               I Timothy 5:22
               Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thus share responsibility for the sins of others; keep
               yourself free from sin.

               The act of laying hands on someone was a sign of endorsement. Many Christians are endorsing
               Donald Trump today. Before the eyes of God they are sharers in Trump’s sins.

               Donald Trump - Chameleon

               II Corinthians 11:13-15
               For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And
               no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing
               if  his  ministers  also  transform  themselves  into  ministers  of  righteousness,  whose  end  will  be
               according to their works.

               Brothers  and  sisters,  if  believers  today  are  failing  to  exercise  the  bare  minimum  amount  of
               discernment to recognize that this business mogul from Sin City, USA is a worker of evil and not
               a worker of righteousness, what deception will they not fall for? Perhaps they might believe that ISIS
               is a spontaneous uprising of radical Muslims who represent a threat to American Christians. Perhaps
               they might even believe that 47 years ago the American government landed men on the Moon and
               then returned them safely back to Earth.

               Let me repeat that the goal of this book is NOT primarily to demonstrate that the Moon landings
               were faked. Rather, it is to demonstrate the pervasiveness of deception in the world in which we live.
               Lies are everywhere around us. Some of the lies are extraordinary in their scope and impact, yet they
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