Page 200 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 200

               The video above begins with Dr. David Jeremiah praying for Donald Trump stating, “he not only
               says what he believes, but is willing to put himself in jeopardy for what he believes, and will help
               us... spiritually.” Truly, there are none so blind as those who claim to be the servants of God (Isaiah
               42:19). Even Willie Robertson, a professed Christian and reality star of the popular television
               program Duck Dynasty, has endorsed Donald Trump. Perhaps if he removed those dark shades
               obscuring his vision, he would be able to see that he is standing next to one of Satan’s own.

               It is astonishing that anyone, much less a Christian in whom dwells the Holy Spirit, should believe
               that Donald Trump is a champion of Christianity, or of Christian values. Donald Trump is a vain,
               pompous, loud-mouthed, vulgar, godlessly immoral man. He has been married three times, and has
               been unfaithful to all of his wives. He has owned some of the largest casinos in America, businesses
               which promote gambling, prostitution, and all manner of sexual immorality.

               Donald Trump at Grand Opening of His Las Vegas Casino

               Along with the casino business comes mob connections. A CNN news article relates the following:

               Donald Trump and the Mob
               Chris Frates, CNN Investigative Correspondent
               Fri July 31, 2015
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