Page 199 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 199

being a dire threat to Christians. The public is regaled with horrific accounts of ISIS terrorist groups
               demanding that Christians convert to Islam, pay a tax, or be killed. Politicians and pundits cite these
               stories, informing the masses that America must intervene in the nations where ISIS operates,
               including Iraq and Syria, in order to protect Christians.


               Since when has the mainstream media or the government had any sincere concern for the lives of
               Christians? These are the same people who characterize American Christians as terrorists, bigots,
               and haters for taking a stand against abortion and homosexuality. Remember, the media and the
               government are controlled by a cabal of global corporations who are pursuing their own narrow
               interests. They are servants of Satan. They care nothing for the suffering masses. Indeed, they are the
               true agents behind the atrocities being committed. When they are not committing atrocities, they are
               fabricating false accounts of atrocities. ISIS/ISIL/Daesh was created, trained, and funded by the
               Central Intelligence Agency of the United States.





               If there are Christians being slaughtered, they are being killed with American weapons given to the
               hands of evil men who have been recruited, trained, and are being directed by agents of the American
               government. The government and media are acting in concert to manipulate Christians today in the
               same way they did during the Apollo missions. Desiring to overthrow the sovereign governments
               of nations such as Iraq and Syria, they have manufactured a threat which will elicit the fear of
               Christians, manipulating them to call for government intervention, believing that the government
               will act as the savior of Christian lives and property. The true motives of the powers-that-be is to
               wrest control of the resources of nations, maintaining their global monopoly.

               To cite another current example, consider the 2016 U.S. Presidential race. On the Republican side,
               Donald Trump is receiving massive amounts of media attention as a champion of the people, a
               defender of traditional morality, and an adversary of the Washington establishment elite. He is being
               billed as an “outsider,” someone who will defend the common man and protect American Christians
               against a tidal wave of Islamic refugees entering the country.

               Many Christian leaders have rallied around Donald Trump. He spoke to a crowd of thousands at
               Liberty University and received the endorsement of the University’s founder, Jerry Falwell. Donald
               Trump also met with an assortment of Christian leaders back in October, 2015, including Dr. David
               Jeremiah (Southern Baptist), Paula White  (Charismatic), Kenneth Copeland (Pentecostal), Jan
               Crouch (Trinity Broadcasting Network), and Robert Jeffress (Southern Baptist), among others. They
               prayed over “The Donald” and spoke blessings upon him.
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