Page 198 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 198

the very center. Patriotism and religion were both being invoked. As Edward Bernays stated in his
               book Propaganda, “Trotter and Le Bon concluded that the group mind does not think in the strict
               sense of the word. In place of thoughts it has impulses, habits and emotions.” It was the impulses,
               habits and emotions of the group mind that NASA was appealing to. It is little wonder that so many
               Christian Americans today are emotionally invested in defending the illusion that America sent men
               to the Moon and back in the 1960s and early 1970s. As a group, the populace embraced what was
               being told to them. It is difficult for an individual to cast off the consensus belief of the group and
               test a matter rationally. The pressure of the group holds most people firmly to the group mindset.

               Brothers and sisters, it is important to discern the great deception of the Apollo Moon missions, for
               the government and media continue to present to the public lies and illusions in order to manipulate
               them. Deception and Democracy are inseparable. The rich and powerful of this world will never be
               content to allow men to exercise self-rule. They will only permit them the illusion of self-rule.
               Consequently, deception must be the policy of the government and the media, both of which are
               under the control of a global elite.

               NASA has never been a Christian organization. You can be certain they did not have the Apollo 8
               astronauts read from Genesis because the leadership of NASA were devout Bible believers. No, this
               act was intended to manipulate the Christian public, to get them to throw their support behind the
               U.S. government’s funding of NASA. It was intended to evoke an emotional response to the Moon
               program, and to forestall the rational skepticism which would have exposed their deception.

               NASA is not going to announce that past key members of the organization, like Jack Parsons, were
               Satanists. They know better than to publicize the fact that administrators are high level Freemasons.
               You will not find it mentioned in any of their public relations material that men such as Thomas
               Kelly, leader of the Apollo Lunar Module program, was a member of Cornell University’s Quill and
               Dagger secret society, the equivalent of Yale University’s Skull and Bones.

               Quill and Dagger Tower, Cornell

               NASA qualifies as an occult organization. It is difficult to see the true nature of the organization for
               it is hidden, obscured, occulted, by a carefully manufactured public image. The public face of NASA
               is a lie, a deception, a fraud perpetrated upon an unsuspecting and naive populace.

               Satan and his human servants never tire of using the same tried and true schemes. They work so well,
               why should they change? Christians are far too easily duped. Consider a more recent news story.
               Exploding out of nowhere into great prominence recently is the terrorist organization know as ISIS,
               ISIL, or Daesh. The mainstream and many lesser known media sources are hyping the story of ISIS
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