Page 191 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 191

The cover of the magazine above shows Jack Parsons with the Sigil of Satan on his chest. He is
               embraced by a Scarlet Woman. Rockets are seen flying through the heavens behind him. The title
               article is “ROCKET MAN. The Extraordinary Story of Jack Parsons: Playboy, Anti-Christ and
               Missile Messiah.”

               If  you  have  been  patient  enough  to  read  this  far,  I  will  explain  the  relevance of  sharing  this
               information. As I mentioned, JPL was a precursor to NASA and is now an integral of NASA. Jack
               Parsons was the leading founder of JPL. Beginnings are significant. JPL and NASA have been
               peculiarly staffed in leading positions by men who were former Nazis (Nazism also has deep ties to
               occultism), Freemasons, members of secretive orders, and Satanists.

               I have previously mentioned the association between Parsons solid fuel rocket breakthrough, tar, and
               the construction of the Tower of Babel. There appears to have been a fallen angelic being guiding
               Parsons, an assumption easily sustained in light of his involvement with Satanic practices, including
               the invoking of demons and spiritual powers of wickedness in high places. No doubt the inspiration
               for his Babalon Working came from a dark spiritual entity. In numerous writings I have taught that
               Satan is seeking to bring forth Babylon on the earth once again. Babylon is symbolic of the kingdom
               of Satan, a kingdom in which he is openly worshiped. Babylon is the opposite of Zion, the Kingdom
               of Christ Yahshua. Whereas Christ proclaimed a message of holiness, righteousness, and self-
               control, Satan encourages his disciples to live unrestrained lives, pursuing every evil desire and
               passion of the flesh.

               One part of Babylon arising in the Earth is the formation of a single global government. Some have
               referred to this as a New World Order, but it is in fact a very ancient world system. The last place
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