Page 189 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 189

Sara. When Helen returned Jack told her that he experienced a greater sexual attraction to her sister.
               Since jealousy was considered incorrect behavior for a Satanist, Helen sought solace elsewhere. She
               began a relationship with the former head of the Agape Lodge and they moved away while Jack
               supported them financially.

               The relationship between Jack and Sara would not last. Around this time L. Ron Hubbard, science
               fiction writer  and eventual founder of the Church of Scientology, took up residence at Jack’s
               mansion. Hubbard not only cheated Parsons in a business deal, but when he left he took Sara with
               him. A greater story of sordid debauchery and moral corruption could hardly be imagined. Yet things
               were to become even more bizarre.

               Jack Parsons had studied Crowley’s writing titled Moon Child. He became fixated on bringing forth
               a moon child who was supposed to be an incarnation of the goddess Babalon.

               Sigil of BABALON

               In an essay titled Freedom, Jack Parsons wrote of BABALON.

               She will come girt with the sword of freedom, and before her kings and priests will tremble and
               cities and empires will fall, and she will be called BABALON, the scarlet woman... And women will
               respond to her war cry, and throw off their shackles and chains, and men will respond to her
               challenge, forsaking the foolish ways and the little ways, and she will shine as the ruddy evening star
               in the bloody sunset of Gotterdamerung, will shine as a morning star when the night has passed, and
               a new dawn breaks over the garden of Pan.

               If the name “Gotterdamerung” seems familiar to the reader, they may recall that I wrote about a
               movie by this name in association with the recent terrorist events in the city of Paris.


               In order to bring forth a moon child into the world, Parsons would have to perform sex magick with
               a Scarlet Women. Parsons corresponded with Crowley on this matter and was informed he should
               seek a red haired, green eyed woman. Parsons began performing magic rites as an act of summoning
               a Scarlet Woman. Parsons described this magical operation he entered into as “Babalon Working.”
               L. Ron Hubbard participated in these Babalon Working rituals, serving in the role of an amanuensis,
               or scribe, who would observe and describe what he was observing. Much of the ritual was too
               perverse to describe in this writing. The last ritual of the initial stage of Babalon Working, where
               Parsons sought to summon a Scarlet Woman, took place in February 1946 in the Mojave Desert.
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