Page 188 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 188

- any mundane soul would be unceremoniously rejected.” The reason was obvious, for Parsons and
               his associates were heavily into drunkenness, illegal drugs, all manner of sexual degeneracy, and
               Satanic worship.

               The Agape Lodge soon came under investigation by both the Pasadena Police Department and the
               FBI.  Both  had  received  allegations  of  a  "black  magic  cult"  involved  in  sexual  orgies;  one
               complainant was a 16-year-old boy who claimed that he was raped by lodge members... Having been
               a  long-term  heavy-user  of  alcohol  and  marijuana,  Parsons  now  habitually  used  cocaine,
               amphetamines, peyote, mescaline and opiates as well. He continued to have sexual relations with
               multiple women...

               Parsons immoral behavior included having sexual relations with the fiancee of a young Caltech
               student he had persuaded to embrace Thelema. Parsons paid for the young woman to have an
               abortion, which ended his friendship with the young man. Jack’s use of all manner of illegal drugs
               was becoming well known. In the February 21, 1943 edition of the O.T.O. journal which the Agape
               Lodge published, Parsons published the following poem which he authored.

               I height Don Quixote, I live on peyote,
               marijuana, morphine and cocaine,
               I never know sadness, but only a madness
               that burns at the heart and the brain.
               I see each charwoman, ecstatic, inhuman,
               angelic, demonic, divine.
               Each wagon a dragon, each beer mug a flagon
               that brims with ambrosial wine

               Parsons’ life had become one of tremendous dissipation. He had cast away self-control and moral
               restraint, and was living a life of manic licentiousness. By December of 1944, the Caltech linked
               employees of JPL forced Parsons out of the company, deeming his occult activities to be a disgrace,
               and his debauched lifestyle a reproach on the company. In the following years until his mysterious
               death in 1952 at the age of 37, Parsons would work in an array of jobs. For a time he was able to
               continue obtaining government contracts in the field of rocketry, but the FBI was hounding him and
               he eventually lost his security clearance due to his “subversive character” and his advocacy of
               “sexual perversion” in the O.T.O..

               He would fall on hard times financially, eventually selling his mansion to a developer with the
               agreement that he could continue to live in the apartment above the garage. He made bootleg
               nitroglycerin to earn money, worked as a car mechanic, took employment as a manual laborer at a
               gas station, and for two years was a faculty member at the University of Southern California’s
               Department of Pharmacology. The only consistent thing during these latter years of his life was his
               continued involvement in Satanic practices.

               Still involved in Thelema in 1945, and remaining in possession of his mansion, Jack Parsons
               continued his dark lifestyle. When his wife Helen, also a willing participant in their Satanic lifestyle,
               went out of town for a time, Jack began having sexual relations with his wife’s 17 year old sister
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