Page 187 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 187

confounded man’s modern efforts to become rulers of the heavens. He has done so by making the
               environment of space outside of man’s native planet to be irremediably inhospitable to human life.
               This truth, however, will not prevent foolish men from attempting to defy the limits imposed by
               man’s Creator. Nor will it stop Satan from seeking to deceive men regarding what is possible for
               them to achieve. From the very first recorded words of Satan to man, asserting that man could
               become like God, Satan has been lying to humanity.

               Let us return now to the life of Jack Parsons and observe how he embraced Satan as his master, and
               how his dream of using rockets to send men into the heavens was an extension of the Satanic vision
               imparted to him. At the time Jack Parsons was advancing the field of rocketry at JPL, he was also
               pursuing a very different interest. Jack married Helen Northrup in 1935. In 1939 the couple were
               invited by some acquaintances to attend the Church of Thelema in Hollywood. Thelema is a religious
               belief system established by Aleister Crowley, a Satanist who has often been described as “the
               wickedest man in the world.” Parsons was intrigued, already having some familiarity with Aleister
               Crowley. He and his wife began attending this church of Satan. Due to Jack’s devotion to Thelema’s
               principles and his evident intelligence, he was soon advancing among the hierarchy.

               Parsons began performing magic rituals, especially sex magick, and the invocation of demons.
               Aleister Crowley led the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O; Order of Oriental Templars). Those familiar
               with Freemasonry may recognize the name “Templars” and know of their association with Masonic
               history. Originally, the O.T.O was intended to be modeled after European Freemasonry, but under
               Crowley’s leadership it was reorganized around the teachings of Thelema. The O.T.O. might be
               described as Freemasonry which has come out of the closet, openly disclosing their allegiance to
               Satan. In 1941, Parsons and his wife joined the Agape Lodge, a local chapter of Crowley’s O.T.O..

               Parsons impressed the members and leadership of the O.T.O and he began communicating directly
               with Crowley who lived in England. Such was the extent of Parsons’ embrace of this Satanic
               organization that he was soon being considered as an eventual replacement for Crowley who was
               advancing in age. Aleister Crowley spoke openly of his favorable impression of Parsons and his
               prospects at taking over the position of Frater Superior (Father Superior) of the O.T.O..

               Soon after joining the Agape Lodge, Crowley suggested that Jack take over leadership of the local
               group. The previous leader was persuaded to step aside under pretense of being promoted to the
               status of a god, and Jack became the leader of this Satanic Lodge. He promptly moved meetings to
               his mansion, a home he had inherited on “Millionaires’ Row” in Pasadena. The group practiced pan-
               sexual  relationships,  believing  that  sexual  jealousy  was  unbefitting  of  advanced  minds.  The
               Crowleyan  motto for Thelema was “Do what thou wilt.” This edict was declared to be the sum of
               the Satanic law.

               Parsons’ mansion and property on Orange Grove Avenue had been a laboratory for his rocketry
               experiments, but it morphed into a laboratory for every form of Satanic activity, including black
               magic.  Parsons  converted the  rooms  in  his  mansion  into  19  apartments,  and  invited  only  the
               degenerates  of society to come and take up residence there. Anyone with moral scruples was
               forbidden from moving onto the property. One resident named Alva Rogers stated in a 1962 article
               in an occultist magazine that in the ads Parsons posted for his apartments he specified “that only
               bohemians, artists, musicians, atheists, anarchists, or any other exotic types need to apply for rooms
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