Page 170 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 170

It is in this large room that Jack sits at a table with his typewriter to work. This represents Kubrick’s
               work on the Apollo project. The typewriter that Jack uses is a German brand named Adler.

               The word Adler is German for “Eagle.” A subtle link is provided here to remind us that NASA’s
               space program was heavily dependent upon German engineers which the United States government
               secreted away to America at the end of World War II. The instrument that Jack is working on is one
               of German engineering, even as the American space program was dependent upon the same. Beside
               the typewriter we also see a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, the same brand that Stanley Kubrick

               One of the more terrifying moments of the movie is when Jack’s wife, played by Shelley Duvall,
               comes into the room when Jack is not present and finds that he has been typing the same message
               over and over on hundreds of sheets of paper.

               Jay Weidner suggests that the word “All” is a reference to “Apollo 11,” or A-11. Kubrick is
               communicating to us that his work on the Apollo 11 program was wearying, and took a toll upon him
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