Page 165 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 165

prevalent among the Illuminati.

               Great Seal of the United States - Reverse

               Kubrick is announcing, even in the movie’s advertisements, that the subject is the hidden acts of a
               global elite. Kubrick has used similar imagery in his other movies to announce their true subject.

               In the movie poster for A Clockwork Orange, the main character has an all-seeing-eye cufflink and
               the letter “A” resembles a pyramid. Also, in the movie poster for Eyes Wide Shut we see the image
               of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise reflected in a mirror, or “looking glass.” This evokes references
               to Through the Looking Glass which was Lewis Carroll’s sequel to Alice in Wonderland. These
               books were about an imaginary world, or perhaps they were about seeing the world as it really is.
               Significantly, a mirror always presents a reverse image. What we see in a mirror is the opposite of
               reality. The movie title Eyes Wide Shut is a statement on the condition of society. It could equally
               be a statement of the condition of the church, for I am reminded of the following Scripture reference.

               Isaiah 42:19-20
               Who is blind but My servant, or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so blind as he that
               is at peace with Me, or so blind as the servant of Yahweh? You have seen many things, but you do
               not observe them; Your ears are open, but none hears.

               Kubrick is declaring that humanity has their “eyes wide shut.” That is to say, their eyes are opened,
               but they see nothing. Mankind is living in a fantasy land. They have embraced illusions, accepting
               a vision of the world which is false. Choosing the 30  anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission for the
               release date of this movie, was his attempt to draw men’s attention to one of the greatest deceptions
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