Page 164 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 164

poster appears at the top of this chapter. I have, however, read both brief and in depth reviews of
               these films, for they have been the subject matter of many authors, documentarians, and conspiracy
               theorists. Kubrick often devised subtle means to convey esoteric messages in his films. These
               messages often focused on  a world ruled by  a global  elite who operate in  secret and commit
               abominable deeds. The movie Lolita incorporates a theme of pedophile rings where the elite traffic
               in the bodies of young children. A Clockwork Orange explores the subject of mind control and
               behavior conditioning. 2001, A Space Odyssey is ultimately an exposition of the religious beliefs of
               the global elite. The black monolith which repeatedly appears in the movie, always advancing man
               to  some  new  state  in  his  evolutionary  development  toward  godhood,  is  the  prima  materia  of
               Alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone. It is symbolic of Satan in the guise of the Great Architect of the
               Universe, a Prometheus who defies the God of heaven to bring man forbidden knowledge as an act
               of benevolence to help man achieve his ultimate destiny.

               Most people reading this description of 2001, A Space Odyssey would be inclined to shake their head
               in derision and ask, “Where is this man getting this stuff?” Kubrick was so skilled at hiding his
               messages in plain sight that few have ever discerned them. Kubrick’s final movie, Eyes Wide Shut
               focuses on the secretive activities of a global elite who meet in grand settings to conduct orgies and
               other abominations. Kubrick died of a heart attack three days after completing editing of the film.
               Some contend he was murdered because the film exposed too much of the activities of the global
               elite and that the movie was re-edited before its release three months later with much of its most
               damning content removed. I have no opinion to offer in this regard, not having any evidence to
               substantiate or refute such claims. Jay Weidner is an individual who believes Kubrick was killed by
               the government. In his documentary, Kubrick’s Odyssey, he states the following.

               In the film “Wag the Dog,” Dustin Hoffman Plays a movie producer hired by the CIA to fake an
               event. His name in the movie is Stanley. In that movie, Stanley mysteriously dies after telling
               everyone he wants to take credit for the event he helped to fake.

               Stanley Kubrick died soon after showing Eyes Wide Shut to the executives at Warner Brothers. It is
               rumored that they were very upset concerning that film. They wanted Kubrick to re-edit the film but
               he refused. I personally was in France when Stanley died and I saw, on French television, outtakes
               from the forthcoming Eyes Wide Shut. I saw outtakes from several scenes that were never in the
               finished film.

               Warner Brothers has even come out and admitted that they re-edited the film. To this day they refuse
               to release a DVD of Stanley Kubrick’s cut. Not only is this a direct violation of the agreement that
               Kubrick had with Warner Brothers, but it also means that we will probably never see the un-edited
               version of this film.

               Understanding Stanley Kubrick’s obsessiveness and his profound use of seemingly innocuous details
               to convey a message, is necessary to any review of his work. Before Stanley Kubrick died he had
               determined the date that Eyes Wide Shut would be released. He chose the date of July 16 , 1999. The
               date was not chosen arbitrarily, for it was the 30  anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch. If, as many
               contend, Stanley Kubrick was employed by NASA to fake the Moon missions, not only the date, but
               the title of the movie, and elements of the movie posters, contain an enigmatic message. Look again
               at the poster for the movie at the head of this chapter. Note the one eye open symbolism which is so
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