Page 155 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 155

What is Walter Cronkite’s relationship to the corporate elite who are seeking to bring forth a global
               government under the rule of Satan? Cronkite was a well paid corporate man. He has long been a
               willing pawn of the corporate global powers. He makes a startling announcement of his allegiance
               to Satan in the following video.


               This is the man who informed viewers of the way the world is five nights a week, and the populace
               eagerly accepted his word as gospel. Brothers and sisters, the rulers of this world realized very early
               on the potential present in motion pictures and television to deceive and guide the masses. For this
               reason the corporate powers purchased control of the movie houses and television networks. In this
               way they were able not only to control the narrative, but to create false events which served to
               regiment the masses to their will.

               Over  time  the  ability  to  create  credible  illusions  has  increased  dramatically.  Special  effects,
               especially those which take advantage of computer power, have advanced the capabilities of the
               media until it is impossible for the average viewer to discern the difference between an illusion and
               reality. Consider the following video.


               If you think the news media would not use green screen technology to fool their audience, you are
               wrong. They use it all the time. As far back as 1994, ABC News was in a  flap  when  it was
               discovered that deception was used when anchorman Peter Jennings interviewed news correspondent
               Cokie Roberts as she was standing in front of the U.S. Capitol building on a cold winter day. The
               problem was that Roberts was actually inside a studio wearing a coat and the image of the Capitol
               building in the background was faked, a mere illusion. Similarly, CBS made the news when, during
               a Dan Rather year 2000 New Year’s Eve special at Times Square, the network altered the imagery
               of Times Square, placing a large CBS advertisement behind Dan Rather. The CBS billboard wasn’t
               actually there. What was there was an NBC sign and an ad for Budweiser, both of which were
               removed from the shot. The viewer could not detect the deception. Technology has only improved
               in the intervening years, making it nearly impossible to detect when an image has been altered or
               entirely imposed into a news broadcast.

               One of the first uses of chroma key technology (green screen, blue screen, etc.) was by Industrial
               Light and Magic, a George Lucas company which he formed in order to create the special effects for
               his 1970s Star Wars movies. Lucas had originally contacted Douglas Trumbull, the special effects
               wizard  whom  Stanley  Kubrick  employed  for  2001,  A  Space  Odyssey.  Trumbull  was  already
               committed to Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, so he recommended his
               assistant John Dykstra.

               Keep in mind that this was 1975, the year of JAWS release and only a few years removed from
               Kubrick’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. These were the pillars of visual effects at the time and JAWS
               was centered around a lone, malfunctioning (if now classic) mechanical shark. In comparison even
               to 2001, STAR WARS, as they say, was a whole new ball of wax.
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