Page 150 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 150

If I took the image above and inserted it into a documentary book full of dramatic images from
               World War II, placing a caption under it identifying it as a picture of Omaha Beach on D-Day, June
               6, 1944, could you tell that it is actually a screen shot from the movie Saving Private Ryan? The
               image appears convincingly realistic. That is the magic of Hollywood. The entire industry is geared
               toward creating believable illusions.

               Look again at the logo for the visual effects company Industrial Light and Magic. A magician is
               surrounded by a large gear. This signifies that magic is being accomplished through industrial means.
               Hollywood is like a large and complex machine designed to create illusions which appear as reality
               to the viewer. Light is the medium which the motion picture industry employs to create their magic.
               Apart from light we could not see. By manipulating light, a false image can be made to appear as
               reality. Oddly, it is the Lumiere brothers of France who are credited with developing the first
               commercial motion picture system. The French word lumiere means “light,” sharing the same base
               as the English word luminous.

               The logo for Industrial Light and Magic is pregnant with meaning. A magician is someone who uses
               misdirection, slight of hand, and various acts of deception to create an illusion of reality before the
               eyes of his audience. The global center for the movie industry is Hollywood, California. Witches
               uses Holly wood to craft their magic wands. It was from the wood of a Holly tree that Harry Potter’s
               wand was created. The association of the motion picture and television industries to occult practices
               and acts of deception is profound. Television and the movies are used to mesmerize, deceive, and
               exert an invisible control over the masses.

               As disciples of Christ living as aliens and strangers in a world which lies under the dominion of
               Satan,  we  are  admonished  to  be  “wise  as  serpents,  yet  harmless  as  doves.”  We  are  further
               commended to “beware of men.” It would be naive for the Christian to assume that those who
               control the media would not use this power and influence as an instrument of deception to further
               a personal agenda. Let us not be simple-minded and think that the powers which control Hollywood
               productions will act with integrity by always maintaining a clear distinction between what is real and
               what is illusory. To assume that men and women in positions of power and influence would not pass
               off staged productions as reality, would predispose the individual to be deceived.

               In the book Dragon Flood, I cited a number of occasions where government leaders used lies and
               deception to justify entry into wars; wars which were immensely profitable to global corporate
               interests. One of these events was the sinking of the Lusitania. Following is an excerpt from the
               chapter titled The Lies of War.
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