Page 145 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 145


               Buzz Aldrin’s Boot

               Look at the images of Buzz Aldrin exiting the Lunar Module above. Compare what you see to the
               words of Neil Armstrong who descended the same ladder just moments earlier.

               It's quite dark here in the shadow [of the lunar module] and a little hard for me to see that I have
               good footing.

               Does it look hard for you to see in the shadowed side of the Lunar Lander? Not at all. There is even
               a lighting hot  spot  on  Buzz  Aldrin’s heel. If shadows are “eerily dark... like  a piece of night
               following you around,” then why is the shadow side of the Lunar Lander so well lit? Astronaut Ed
               Mitchell stated, “unless you've got direct sunlight, there's no way in hell you can see anything,” yet
               there was no direct sunlight on the back side of the Lunar Lander that Aldrin and Armstrong
               descended. Why was it lit up so well? Those who are engaged in refuting the evidence of the Moon
               missions having been faked, usually argue that the back of the Lunar Module was visible due to the
               reflection of sunlight off of the lunar surface. Since the lunar surface’s reflectivity is similar to that
               of asphalt, and the camera was adjusted to take images in intensely bright sunlight, not shadow, this
               explanation does not wash.

               There is another explanation, however. These images were not photographed on the Moon. They
               were photographed in a staged environment utilizing multiple light sources here on Earth.
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