Page 136 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 136

Note how even the boulders which have fallen down the side of this slope appear in high definition.
               They are quite clear and sharp. You can view the original image at the following link.


               All of the LRO images can be found at the NASA website for this project.


               You would think with all of the high-resolution capability of the LRO that NASA would provide
               some very detailed images of the historic landing sites of the Apollo missions. In fact, NASA has
               made images available of the Apollo landing sites, but they lack the same detail and clarity of these
               other LRO images. Surely NASA knows there are millions of people who would like to see clear
               pictures of the Apollo Lunar Modules, Lunar Rovers, and other equipment left behind by the

               LRO Image of Apollo 14 Landing Site
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