Page 134 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 134

What Happened on the Moon? - Analysis of Lunar Photography

               I am not endorsing all of the opinions presented in this video. The value I perceive in the video is
               its careful and thoughtful evaluation of the lunar photographs.

               Moving on to an associated subject, it has been mentioned previously that whenever it suited NASA
               to do so, they offered to the public degraded video and photos of the Apollo missions. There were
               times when the illusion could only be carried off by obscuring the details of images. This is a
               practice NASA continues to employ to this day.

               Recently, some who seek to debunk the arguments of those who assert the Apollo missions were
               works of deception have pointed to more recent images made available by the Lunar Reconnaissance
               Orbiter which was launched on June 18, 2009. This unmanned, robotic spacecraft is designed to map
               the temperature, radiation, and surface contour of the Moon. It employs multiple cameras to create
               a 3 dimensional map of the Moon. Some of the images released by NASA which were photographed
               by the LRO are amazing in their close-up detail of the lunar surface, demonstrating great clarity. On
               December 18, 2015, NASA released a composite image of the Moon and Earth taken from the LRO.

               NASA provides the following information on how this photo was created.

               Since the spacecraft, Earth, and Moon are all in motion, we had to do some special processing to
               create an image that represents the view of the Earth and Moon at one particular time. The final
               Earth image contains both WAC and NAC information. WAC provides the color, and the NAC
               provides high-resolution detail.

               NASA used the LRO’s Wide Angle Camera to provide color, and the LRO’s two Narrow Angle
               Cameras to provide the high-resolution detail. There is a more thorough description of how the
               images were created here:

               If you download the highest definition image of this Earthrise photo available from NASA, it is a
               whopping 302 MB, and the high-resolution detail is truly stunning. Following are two closeups I
               have created from this image. The white box is the area of the 2  closeup.
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