Page 119 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 119

To summarize, the conditions in space and on the Moon are not merely a threat to human life, the
               harsh and inhospitable environment also presents obstacles to the normal functioning of technology
               that was developed for use on Earth. It is very likely that all of the film used in the still and video
               cameras NASA purportedly sent to the Moon would have been so degraded due to exposure to
               radiation and temperature extremes as to render all images unusable. Those charged with creating
               the deception of man flying to the Moon and back never intended to solve all of the extraordinary
               challenges of such a venture. They simply wanted to create a convincing illusion while trusting that
               the majority of people would not take a hard look at the details.

               The image above was stitched together from two photos taken by astronaut Eugence A. Cernan
               during the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The mosaic shows astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt standing
               next to “Tracy’s Rock,” a huge, split lunar boulder at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. The Lunar
               Roving Vehicle, which transported Schmitt and Eugene A. Cernan to this extravehicular station from
               their Lunar Module, is seen in the background. The photos were shot with the Hasselblad camera
               common to all of the lunar missions. The two images used to create this mosaic can be viewed at the
               Apollo Archive Gallery website.

               Image AS17-140-21496
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