Page 116 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 116

•       Lead-lined bags, available from photo retailers, will weaken the X-radiation on film and
                       reduce potential harm. However, the effectiveness of any particular lead bag depends on the
                       intensity and electric potential of the X-ray generator, the lead's thickness, and the film

               The typical Apollo Moon mission lasted from 8-12 days. During this time, all film would have been
               subjected to levels of radiation that far exceed that of an x-ray machine. During the years 1969-1970,
               the Sun was going through a solar maximum when solar radiation is at its peak. Even after one
               passes through the Van Allen Radiation Belts where radiation levels can exceed 100 roentgens per
               hour, cosmic rays and solar flares continue to bombard all objects in space. At the
               website, the following statement is found.

               Just as meteoroids constantly bombard the Moon so do cosmic rays, and they leave their fingerprints
               on Moon rocks, too. "There are isotopes in Moon rocks, isotopes we don't normally find on Earth,
               that were created by nuclear reactions with the highest-energy cosmic rays," says McKay. Earth is
               spared from such radiation by our protective atmosphere and magnetosphere.

               Even if scientists wanted to make something like a Moon rock by, say, bombarding an Earth rock
               with high energy atomic nuclei, they couldn't. Earth's most powerful particle accelerators can't
               energize particles to match the most potent cosmic rays, which are themselves accelerated in
               supernova blastwaves and in the violent cores of galaxies.

               These words are quoted from an article which is attempting to debunk some of the criticisms of those
               who claim the Moon landings were faked. The author is speaking of how difficult it would be to
               fabricate a Moon rock. Yet, in his explanation he provides additional ammunition for those who
               claim the Moon landings never happened. “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice
               to deceive.” It is very difficult to defend lies. They always lead to additional lies.

               If, as this writer states, the Moon is “constantly” being bombarded by cosmic rays due to its lack of
               an atmosphere and magnetosphere, then surely the radiation would affect much more than the rocks
               on the Moon. It would also affect the men who land on the Moon, and their equipment, including
               their film. Yet, Hasselblad’s lead project engineer states that no steps were taken to build radiation
               shielding into their camera. The Lunar Module itself was constructed of two thin layers of aluminum,
               which presents almost zero protection against radiation. All of the film that went to the Moon and
               back should have been washed out due to its exposure to x-rays and other forms of space radiation.

               Another problem with the NASA account of lunar photography is that no steps were taken to protect
               the cameras and film from the temperature extremes on the lunar surface. NASA reports that the
               astronauts of Apollo 11 experienced temperature swings between 180 degrees Fahrenheit in the sun
               and -160 degrees Fahrenheit when in shadow.

               I think NASA was being conservative about the weather on the Moon, for other sources state that
               the temperature on the Moon fluctuates between much greater extremes.
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