Page 109 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 109

Hollywood stage craft.

               Consider the events of Apollo 13, made famous by a movie starring Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Gary
               Sinise, Ed Harris, and Kevin Bacon. In keeping with the theme of “unlucky number 13" this was the
               only one of the 7 manned Apollo Moon missions that did not complete its mission objectives. Note
               the “one-eyed” symbolism of the movie poster, a common detail of Illuminati influence.

               As the NASA narrative goes, Apollo 13 launched at precisely 1:13 P.M. (13:13 military time). Two
               days later, on April 13 , Apollo 13 experienced a crisis as an oxygen cylinder exploded. It strikes
               one as a significant coincidence that it would be Apollo 13 which would have such bad luck, for the
               number 13 has a long association with bad luck. Yet for this event to occur on the 13  day of the
               month  stretches  the limits  of statistical  probability.  If we add  that the precise moment  of the
               mission’s launch occurred at 13:13 military time on April 11, the narrative strains credulity. We can
               also add to  this that the mission blasted off from launch pad 39a (13x3), and the rocket was
               designated Saturn-V AS-508 (5+8=13). The mission’s duration was five days, 22 hours, 54 minutes
               (2+2+5+4=13), and the distance traveled 622,268 miles (6+2+2+2+6+8=26; 26=2x13).

               Others have taken the time to dissect the details of the Apollo 13 mission, demonstrating how they
               parallel a Masonic ritual of death and resurrection. The command module on this voyage was named
               Odyssey and the lunar lander Aquarius. During a televised broadcast prior to the explosion, the
               astronauts had a radio playing both the theme music from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001, A Space Odyssey
               and the song The Age of Aquarius from the musical Hair. Kubrick’s famous movie was a re-
               enactment of ancient occult doctrines whose teachings have been preserved in Alchemy, Kaballa,
               and Freemasonry.

               A critical part of the narrative presented to the public is that due to loss of power, the command
               module needed to be turned off and vacated for a period of time. Without power, the temperature
               dropped and condensation formed on all of the surfaces inside the Odyssey. The astronauts retreated
               to  the  lunar  module  Aquarius,  where they  remained  until  just  prior  to  re-entry  to  the  Earth’s
               atmosphere. When the astronauts re-occupied the command module for descent to Earth, they
               reported that it rained inside the space craft due to the large amount of condensation. Was it merely
               coincidental that Aquarius is the “water pourer”?
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