Page 106 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 106

Perceiving  NASA’s  Masonic  ties  is  critical  to  understanding  the  dark  Satanic  nature  of  this
               organization. Outwardly, neither Freemasonry nor NASA appear evil. In fact, both go to great
               lengths to foster a benevolent public image. The Shriners are famous for their children’s hospitals,
               and NASA is presented as an organization that has brought tremendous technological benefits to the
               world, from introducing Tang breakfast drink to mothers everywhere, infrared ear thermometers, and
               even the grooved striping on highways. NASA is a disconcerting mixture of reality and illusion, truth
               and lies, genuine accomplishment and outright fraud.

               Even as the Freemasons in Boston began a revolution by means of a deception, and continued it
               through additional deceptions, suppression of dissenters, and various covert means, so too has NASA
               operated under similar principles. To the general public, however, the depths of Masonic control at
               NASA has been hidden. The promotion of Masonic involvement in the space program has been
               relegated primarily to Freemasonry’s own publications.

               In this image from The New Age Magazine, we are shown Buzz Aldrin, 32  degree Freemason,
               presenting to Luther Smith, then Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the
               flag Aldrin (supposedly) carried with him to the Moon.

               Aldrin was invited to visit The House of the Temple in Washington, D.C., upon the successful
               completion of his Apollo 11 mission. He subsequently wrote a personal letter of thanks on official
               NASA letterhead.
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